Category Archives: Termites

How do you know if you have termites?
July 18, 2022If you suspect that you might have termites, it is important to know how to identify them. Termites can cause significant damage to your home if they are left untreated, so it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible. In this blog post, we will discuss the signs of a termite infestation and what you should do.
Maze-like patterns in furniture, floorboards, or walls, are a common sign of termites that are easily recognizable. If you see these patterns, it is likely that there is an infestation. However, there are many more subtle signs that you might have termites. For example, wood may crumble or be damaged. You might also notice that your doors or windows are sticking, or that there are small pinpoint holes in your walls. Let’s dive into some lesser-known signs that will help you determine if you have termites.
How Much Does It Cost To Get Rid Of Termites?
March 12, 2022Termites can be extremely costly for homeowners to deal with. If you have a termite infestation (or suspect an infestation), you may be nervous about how much you’ll have to spend to get rid of these pests. So let’s get right to it. How much does it cost to get rid of termites?
Most professional termite exterminators charge somewhere between $400 to $700. That said, it could cost as much as $900 or more, depending on the exterminator, your location, and how big your house is.
Keep reading to find out what else you should be thinking about when preparing for professional termite removal.
How To Tell If You Have Termites In Your Walls (8 Common Signs)
January 14, 2022If you’ve ever experienced a termite infestation before, you know how destructive they can be to your home and how difficult they are to eradicate.
If you think your walls might be filled with termites, there are a few signs you can look for to determine if this is the case before you decide on a treatment solution.
So how can you tell if you have termites in your walls? Look for the following 8 common signs.
Termite Swarm or Ants? We Can Help with Both
March 19, 2021It’s that time of year, when termite swarmers emerge to start a new colony. It can look like an indoor hurricane when a healthy colony of termites swarms out of one of your baseboards or basement sill plate.
Thousands of these ant-looking creatures will fly to the windows to get out and start a new colony. If you’re seeing termite swarmers in your house, it’s time to call for professional termite control.
Both termites and ants are destructive. Do you know the difference?

Pennsylvania, Get Rid of Termites with the Power of Bora-Care
February 22, 2021Termites are nasty, wood-destroying beetles that are often mistaken for flying ants. They can do severe damage to ceilings, floors, furniture…wood surfaces in general. For Pennsylvania property, few insects are more dangerous than termites.
Dominion Pest Control technicians are trained experts in the application of reactionary liquid termite treatments and pretreating for termites and other wood destroying insects with borate treatments, specifically, the use of Bora-Care. This is an increasingly popular choice of termite control in Pennsylvania.
Get Rid of Termites Lancaster PA
December 21, 2012If you are trying to figure out how to get rid of termites in Lancaster PA, we have good news for you. Lancaster’s truly local termite company, Dominion Pest Control, has an expert on staff who not only knows how to identify a termite infestation in Lancaster County, but knows how to get rid of the entire termite colony.
Dominion’s senior technician, Christopher Komarow, aka “Mr. Termite” has been killing termites in Lancaster and other counties in PA for over fifteen years. Chris has killed billions of termites in his career, and is very proud that he saved thousands of homes and businesses in Pennsylvania.
One of the keys to Dominion’s termite success in the Lancaster County area is due to the amount of training and knowledge that their technicians receive before going out and treating for termites. “You can’t just point and spray”, explains Dominion owner, Gregory Pettis. “If takes knowledge and experience to find the termite colony, and to determine the best way to kill it. Every home and business is different, with different types of soil, grades, and conditions”.
Pettis does not encourage homeowners to try and get rid of termites in Lancaster by themselves, due the volume of pesticide required. Additionally, only termite control companies such as locally owned Dominion Pest Control has the tools necessary to pump termiticide into the soil around a structure.
If you would like to get rid of termites at your Lancaster PA home, print out the coupon below and call Dominion today: 717-393-7879.
Flying Termites Hotline!
April 6, 2010If you are seeing flying termites, or “swarmers” in Lancaster PA or York PA, please call our Termite Hotline: 717-393-7875 for fast service. We have dedicated this line to flying termites due to the volume of calls that we are receiving. If you are not sure if you have termites, please put some of the insects in a bag and call the hotline so we may inspect them to determine if you have termites in Lancaster or York PA. Swarming termites will fly with the intent to try and start a new colony in your home. Dominion Pest Control uses products that work like a “virus” and kill the entire colony. Now that’s taking control! To view a video of Dominion Pest Control performing a termite treatment in PA, click on Operation Termite Elimination. Dominion Pest Control is an Accredited BBB Business, members since 2006. You may click on logo above to view our BBB Status.
How Do I Know if I Have Termites?
February 20, 2008Q. My neighbor just had a termite treatment. How do I know if I have termites?
A. This is a great question. Most people don’t know if they have termites until they have a “swarm” on the inside. Every year, a healthy colony of Subterranean Termites release thousands of reproductive swarmers that try to emerge and start a new colony. These can sometimes be confused with Ant swarmers. It takes a trained eye to know the difference, so you might want to let us look at it for you if have a swarm. The other way you know if you have termites is mud tunnels stemming out of wood. Usually termites will manifest on the basement sill first, but sometimes they can be found in the garage door frame or any place you have wood-ground contact such as basement stairs that have poured concrete around the base. Termites may be in a piece of wood and not build mud tunnels or “shelter tubes”. Probing with a scratch awl is one way to determine termite activity; the awl will easily go into the wood if termites have been there for awhile. If you need a termite treatment, you may not want to wait too long before calling us—termites do quite a bit damage quickly. This is your home we are talking about, one of your greatest investments literally being eaten! If you have termites in Lancaster, PA or nearby areas call us today at 717-393-7879.
Spotlight: Termites
Every year in Lancaster and York, PA, a healthy colony of Subterranean Termites release thousands of reproductive swarmers that try to emerge and start a new colony. These can sometimes be confused with Ant swarmers. It takes a trained eye to know the difference, so you might want to let us look at it for you if have a swarm. The other way you know if you have termites is if you find mud tunnels stemming out of wood.
Usually termites will manifest on the basement sill first, but sometimes they can be found in the garage door frame or any place you have wood-ground contact such as basement stairs that have poured concrete around the base. Termites may be in a piece of wood and not build mud tunnels or “shelter tubes”. Probing with a scratch awl is one way to determine termite activity; the awl will easily go into the wood if termites have been there for awhile.
If you need a termite treatment, you may not want to wait too long before calling us—termites do quite a bit damage quickly. This is your home we are talking about, one of your greatest investments literally being eaten! In Lancaster and York, PA, it is important to use a non-repellent insecticide on termites so they do not move down the road to the neighbors, but instead, die right where they are. Using technology that allows the termites to transfer the product one to another, we can shut down a termite colony with one-million members within three months! Not only will Dominion Pest Control kill the current termites attacking your home, our treatment will kill any other termite colony that comes in contact with the treatment for over one decade! Now that’s taking control!
Carpenter Ants
When it comes to Carpenter Ants, the biggest question many people have is, “Are they in the house or are they coming from the outside?” This is a great question, and there are some ways to try and figure it out. Carpenter Ants can be a real problem if they are nesting in the house. Before you start spraying everything you can find under the kitchen sink on these ants, let us make sure they are Carpenter Ants, and not some other species. If you have black (not dark brown) ants that can be different sizes when found, you probably have Carpenter Ants. The same colony can have small and big members. Size is not a real factor in determining if you have them, so do not spend a lot of time analyzing this variable. A better idea is to determine where they are coming from (we will talk about this later).
One the sure way of knowing that you have an infestation inside the home is if you find “flying ants” or “swarmers”, as we in the pest control industry prefer to call them. Flying ants inside are never a good sign. But before you get all worked up, make sure they are not termites. You will be thankful when you determine it is just ants if that is what it is! If you do determine that they are termites, call a professional company and consider having a professional treatment before you try to tackle them yourself. Mistreating a termite colony could cost you thousands of dollars in the long run. The easiest way to determine if you have ants (whether Carpenter Ants or other) is to look for three distinct body parts. With ants, the head, thorax and abdomen are all visible to the naked eye. Termites appear to only have two segments. However if in doubt, call in a pest control company to make sure. Most companies have a “free inspection policy” and will not charge to tell you what kind of bugs you have.
Another way to determine if the ants are nesting in the home is to note the time of year. If you have Carpenter Ants roaming around the house in the middle of the winter and it is cold outside, they are definitely not coming from the outside! This is also possibly something you will see in the late winter-spring. “Ok, what do I do now?” you ask, itching to kill these things. Well hold on, before we get into that, let’s talk about some habits these home-wreckers have.
The biggest thing you need to know about Carpenter Ants is that they need water to survive. Although their primary diet is dead insects, they will always need a water source. It is usually outside–such as a bird bath, a clogged gutter, poor landscaping or some other drainage issue. Worse yet, the water source may be inside. “What?” you may ask. It is true, it can be inside your home. Many times homeowners have told me horror stories about that tiny leak under the bathtub or kitchen sink they never knew about under one day… Carpenter Ants started showing up and someone suggested a leak. Or, it could condensation on pipes in a crawl space. And what about improperly sealed shower stalls? All these things contribute to attracting Carpenter Ants. They say to themselves, “Why live outside in the elements when we can live can live here with our primary staple (water).” They certainly are not stupid creatures, as King Solomon noted and encouraged lazy people to go and learn from them.
Another habit worth noting is that they are primarily nocturnal. Most of the ones you see during the day are just scouting the situation out. A lot of people report to me that they see them only in the early morning. This is the graveyard shift getting ready to clock out. They most likely found a gold mine in the sink from last night’s dishes that were washed.
Now let us talk about control. First, you must determine where the colony is hiding. It may be far away from the sightings and you may never find them without help. A good idea is to look outside during the late afternoon on the perimeter of your home for “ant trails”. If you find them going up the side of your home, follow them. Especially if they are carrying something like a dead insect-they are always going back to the nest with it and will lead you to some idea as to where it may be. It could be in the attic, or one of your eaves, a basement sill area, or simply between your walls. If you can find the nest and want to treat it yourself, using a powder or “dust” is one way to kill the colony by using a bulb-duster and pumping the powder into the hole on the outside where they disappear into. Sometimes though, this can make matters worse, you may end chasing them deeper into your house and then they manifest in areas you were not seeing them in before. Using a general spray insecticide can hold them off on the inside, but could end up causing the situation to become more severe with their speading-out in areas where they are not visible.
After treating Carpenter Ants for more than a decade, I do want to encourage you consider calling a professional who has access to professional products that may discourage the ants from moving around and dying right where they are. An example of this would be baits or non-repellents that act like a virus to the colony. If your concern is financial, please consider that mistreating Carpenter Ants could result in serious damage to your home long-term, and translate into repairs that seriously out-way the cost of a professional treatment. To learn more click on the video below.